Order Sync is an optional add-on to your Syncio Base Plan. With Order Sync, any orders containing synced products will appear in your Syncio Orders Tab and be available to Push to your Source store for fulfillment.

When the Source Store fulfills an order, Syncio will send the tracking and fulfillment status back to your store so your customers always stay up to date.

Syncio requires the following to be true about an order:

The Order Module add-on has some limitations by design.

View and Push your Orders When you scroll over an order, you will have the option to View Order. Click here to see the details of an order and Push items to the Source store. For orders containing products from more than one Source Store, you will need to push items separately. Orders that have successfully been pushed will display Pushed under Push Status.

Automated or Manual Push

You have the option to either manually push your orders when they come through or Syncio can send them for you automatically. By default, your orders will be set to manual push. To enable automated push, click the toggle in the top right of the Orders Tab.